Here is some information on the summer 2021 District 21 Intergroup to share with all groups....
- to be held Aug 21st, Sacred Heart Church
- Corrections Meeting at 4pm, GSR meeting at 5pm, Dinner at 6pm
- the OK has been given for pot luck dishes to be shared, so everyone bring favorite recipes
- Speaker nominees from AA and Alanon are being taken till July 31st
- send to Lil R 281-8402, or Lenora 231-6661
- Donations to help fund the Intergroup are still being sought...around $300 so far
- there will be a book sale table set up
- Lois is working on a flyer to be distributed and for Now & Then
- will also be posted here when available, check back
- volunteers (particularly setup) are being sought
- sign up with Lil R 281-8402, or Lenora 231-6661
- expect over 100 attendees, maybe more with other Intergroups inactive this year
- next Intergroup planning meeting will be Sat 7/17, 10am, PLUC or Zoom